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Ronan McMahon’s Big Book of Profitable Real Estate Investing
The Simple Secrets of Making a Fortune in Real Estate

The Simple Secrets of Making a Fortune in Real Estate
25 years.
That’s how long it’s taken me to write this book.
It’s my life’s work…
Everything I know about making money from real estate…
- From buying luxury properties for pocket change and selling for big profits…
- To turning properties into income machines that make money while you sleep…
- But most of all, this book is about using real estate to live a truly free and fulfilling life…
It’s called Ronan McMahon’s Big Book of Profitable Real Estate Investing.
There is nothing like it. And its lessons have never been more urgent or useful than in the uncertain world of the 2020s.
I think of this book as a handbook…something of a “user’s guide” for international real estate investing.
In its pages, I share with you the processes I follow to find and act on deals, and the lessons I have learned that have enabled me to create a life of travel, fun, and freedom as an international real estate investor.
Whether you’re looking to build an empire or just want to find a good deal on your dream home, my hope is that you will find what you need to get you well under way in these pages.
Here’s an excerpt to show you what’s inside…
By the time you finish this book you will have an incredible edge as a real estate investor. In fact, even a few short chapters in you’ll already have a major advantage…
Because just a few chapters from now you’re going to be the keeper of a powerful secret—the secret of making a fortune in real estate. It’s deceptively simple. It’s tried and tested by pretty much all the richest people in history. And I’ve made it my life’s mission to unlock and share the power of this secret…
In addition to this powerful secret, by the end of chapter 5—not even the half-way mark of this book—you’ll know exactly where in the world to invest in real estate for spectacular gains.
Stay with me from there and you’ll have my D.E.A.L. system— my tried and tested system for deciphering the spin of smiling estate agents and seeing through the flashy brochures to gauge whether an investment is solid.
I also give you my five “R’s” of successful real estate investing. A simple and easy-to-apply method for assessing real estate opportunities anywhere in the world.
And that’s only the first half of the book…
In chapter 7 I introduce the most powerful driver of rental profits in the world today. Understanding this can set you up to own income-producing property in the world’s most beautiful destinations. Income for life and a home in paradise. Appealing huh?
In chapter 8 I drill down on how you can maximize your rental yield like a pro. I also give you my hard-won lessons on how to pick the right rental manager so you can enjoy your income and your property hands-off and hassle-free.
Chapter 9 is all about how to use other people’s money to make yours. You can make a lot of money and use none, or almost none, of your own cash to do it.
No book on real estate would be complete without a good crisis. Anyone who’s lived knows there’s always some crisis coming, it’s just a matter of when. It’s not something to fear, but to prepare for. Because incredible fortunes can be made when a big crisis occurs.
For instance, I’ll reveal how RETA members made many times their money after 2008. The key to successful crisis investing is knowing when and what to buy. In chapter 10 I give you that key so that when the next crisis comes along, you’ll be ready.
Whatever you do in real estate investing, the most important rule of success is expressed in just three simple words. It’s the most critical thing you can do to protect and grow your wealth through real estate. In chapter 11 I give you those three words and explain how to apply this rule when you’re buying overseas real estate.
From there I reveal in-depth how you can create a life of fun and profit from just a few well-bought properties. Even one property in fact—just one property—bought at the right price and in the right location can generate annual yields of 15% or more.
Of course, there’s travel and adventure too if you want those things. But travel is entirely optional. I’ll show you ways you can successfully invest in real estate overseas without ever leaving your living room or office, never mind the country.
By the end of this book you’ll be well on your path to successfully investing in real estate overseas. But we’re going to start where most investors start. With a mistake…